Monday, November 15, 2010

The Final Frontier

This weeks we have the remaining groups with their wix presentation on various topic. I realized that most of the groups used for their web report due to its interactivity and ease of use. One key lesson i took away from the 12 weeks of TWC class is that we should be open and embrace new technologies, and by adopting such initiatives, we are able to share our knowledge with the rest of the world through new media. The web report, this blog and individual oral presentation are focused at one thing - a deeper understanding of the changing world and sharing of the knowledge

One quote I really love is "The main purpose of acquiring knowledge is to give it away" - SMU banner.

Apart from the key takeaway, there are several other skills that we picked up from this course. One that leaves the deepest impression would be that change is constant, and that we have to learn how to adapt or innovate to keep up. You can be the forerunner of a innovative change, or be a follower of the initiative, but one thing is for sure - that if you failed to improve yourself by adopting such best practices, you will lose out. It is true that we live in exponential times, the information that is provided to each individual in a day exceeds the consolidation of all information in the past since the dawn of civilization. We should use all these knowledge and avoid reinventing the wheel, so that mankind could proceed forward. As Stephen Hawks says, the final frontier is in space. I believe that once human has unlocked all the secrets that are in the world, we will seek to answer the mysteries of space and time.

Everything has to come to and end - life, the sun, TWC classes. However, space doesn't end, neither will learning. So push on and ask more question, because when we challenge ourselves with "why cant I.." and other dream that seem unreachable, it gives us direction to an influx of ideas and innovations.

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